dr Anna Ewa Wieczorek
- conducting BA and MA courses
- a member of the Institute of English Studies Council
- a member of the Didactic Council at the Institute of English Studies
Academic degrees:
2011 Doktor (corresponding to the Ph.D. degree), Lodz University (“Clusivity in Barack Obama Pre-Election Speeches”)
2007 Magister (corresponding to the MA degree), Lodz University (“Cognitive-Pragmatic Aspects of Legitimisation in the Discourse of Historic Change”)
Research interests:
Legitimisation and image construction in political discourse
Communicating inclusion and exclusion
Narrative elements in political discourse
2015 Monophony and polyphony in dialogic and non-dialogic political narratives (research grant for young scientists)
2016 Narrative elements in political discourse: Perspective and representation (research grant for young scientists)
2017 On building an image of the leader via (self-)quotes in presidential speeches (research grant for young scientists)
Educational-research projects:
2015-2018 – National Project Manager.
Grant awarded by FRSE, Erasmus+, Key Action 2: Strategic Partnership for school education. Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices: Grant awarded for realising the international project with multiple beneficiaries, coordinated by The Language Center srl, Italy – C4C – CLIL for Children – Content and Language Integrated Learning for Children.
2014-2016 – Team member.
Grant awarded by FRSE, Erasmus+, Key Action 2: Strategic partnerships; Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, agreement number 2014-1-PL01-KA200-003578. Funding awarded for realisation of the international project with multiple beneficiaries, coordinated by the University of Łódź – DysTEFL2 – Dyslexia for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language.
2011-2013 – Team member.
Grant awarded by the Lifelong Learning Programme, Comenius Multilateral Project, agreement number 2011-3631/001-001. Funding awarded for the realisation of the international project with multiple beneficiaries, coordinated by the University of Łódź – DysTEFL – Dyslexia for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language.
BA theses supervision on:
Image construction and legitimisation in political discourse
Persuasion and manipulation in media discourse
Inclusion and exclusion
The language of advertising and social campaigns
BA seminar (Pragmatics)
Specialisation seminar (Communication in political discourse)
Linguistics tutorial (Persuasion and manipulation)
Practical English – Integrated Skills (MA)
Introduction to Linguistics (BA)
Pragmatics (MA)
Business English
Didactic publications:
Wieczorek, Anna Ewa. (2023) A Vocabulary Companion to Practical English 1. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
Wieczorek, Anna Ewa. (2023) A Vocabulary Companion to Practical English 2. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
Selected research publications:
Wieczorek, Anna Ewa. (2020) “Embedded discourse spaces in narrative reports.” Discourse Studies 22(2), w druku.
Wieczorek, Anna Ewa. (2019) “The (de)legitimising power of narrative reports: A case study of covert sayers.” Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 15.1, w druku.
Wieczorek, Anna Ewa. (2017) „’I hope you don’t mind me quoting you’: Narrative reports in the service of (de)legitimisation.” In Events and Narratives in Language, Łódź Studies in Language 52, edited by Janusz Badio, 205-221. Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main.
Wieczorek, Anna Ewa. (2015) „’Look who’s talking now’: A taxonomy of speakers in single-turn political discourse.” Discourse Studies 17(3): 343-359.
Wieczorek, Anna Ewa. (2013) Clusivity: A New Approach to Association and Dissociation in Political Discourse. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Wieczorek, Anna Ewa. (2010) „’And I quote’: Direct and indirect point-of-view switches in clusivity-oriented discourse.” Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 6.2: 229-247.
Wieczorek, Anna Ewa. (2009) „This is to say you are either in or out: Some remarks on clusivity.” Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines 3.2: 118-129.
Wieczorek, Anna Ewa. (2008) „Proximisation, common ground and assertion-based patterns for linguistic legitimisation.” Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines 2.1: 31-48.
Office hours
monday: 15:15-16:15