My teaching responsibilities:
- teaching courses (Spanish Philology and Doctoral School of Humanities);
- conducting exams and tests, including diploma exams;
- supervising students' assignment and term papers;
- preparing teaching materials for the classes;
- consultations with students;
- supervising and reviewing diploma theses.
* Classes conducted in the academic year 2023/2024:
- 1. Bachelor's seminar (two groups)
- 2. Spanish-Polish Translation
- 3. Polish-Spanish Translation
- 4. Specialised and Artistic Translation Theory
- 5. Theoretical Foundations of Translation Studies
- 6. Science Funding and Knowledge Transfer (lecture in Polish and English)
- 7. Science Funding and Knowledge Transfer (workshops)
Tasks within the field of research responsibilities:
- conducting and participating in scientific research;
- disseminating scientific or development research by publishing the results;
- participation in scientific conferences and seminars;
- participation in scientific projects.
* Research projects run in the academic year 2023/2024:
- 1. "Increasing the accessibility of works of art through the use of plain, easy to read and understand language within audio description" (Grants for Experienced Researchers, Excellence Initiative - Research University) – Principal investigator
- 2. "Polysensory translation in the museum for visually impaired people" (Scientific Development Fund of the Department of Philology, University of Łódź) - Principal investigator
- 3. "Friendly City. Supporting the independence of the visually impaired people in the use of public transport networks in Łódź, including the application of location information and local architectural monuments" (“Things are for people”, National Centre for Research and Development) – Co-investigator
2017-2018 Central University of Venezuela, CIPOST (Centro de Investigaciones Posdoctorales), Post-doctoral Course in Art and Architecture
2012 University of Łódź, obtaining Doctoral Degree in Literary Studies
2007-2009 University of Łódź, Postgraduate Translation Course (Polish<=>Spanish)
2003-2008 Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, MA in Spanish Philology
- Literary avant-gardes
- Oliverio Girondo
- Literary translation
- Audiovisual translation
- Culture accessibility
- Disability studies
- 2023: Bronze Medal for Long Service
- 2023: Silver Medal (team) for the project "Friendly city"- the main challenges of making architectural heritage accessiible to visually impaired people and other users, Euroinvent. European Exibition of Creativity and Innovation
- 2023: Nomination (team) for the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2023 in the category: Social Innovation for the project “Friendly City. Supporting the independence of the visually impaired people in the use of public transport networks in Łódź, including the application of location information and local architectural monuments”
- 2022-2023: Participation in the project “Master of Didactics” (Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development, Ministry of Education and Science and EU)
- 2022: Award for a significant contribution to the evaluation of the quality of scientific activity
- 2022: Excellence Initiative - Research University (team) Bonus for grants obtained from external funds
- 2021-2024: Co-investigator in the project “Friendly City. Supporting the independence of the visually impaired people in the use of public transport networks in Łódź, including the application of location information and local architectural monuments” (“Things are for people”, National Centre for Research and Development)
- 2021-2024: Principal Investigator of the project “Increasing the accessibility of works of art through the use of plain, easy to read and understand language within audio description” (Grants for Experienced Researchers, Excellence Initiative - Research University)
- 2021: Award of the Polish Academy of Sciences for Outstanding Achievements Contributing to Development of Science for Young Scientists Working in the Łódź. Region for the year 2020 in the field of humanities and social sciences
- 2021: Rector's Award for the series of monographic publications “Audio description”
- 2020-2021: Principal Investigator of the project “Audio Description in Visual Arts Illustrated with an Example of Museums in Barcelona” (Miniatura, National Science Centre)
- 2020: Silver (team) medal at the 13th INTARG International Trade and Economic Innovation Fair for the project “I see because I hear: audio description - contemporary support for visually impaired people in contact with art”
- 2019-2022: Principal Investigator of the project “Accessible art for the blind and visually impaired in London museums” (Bekker Programme, NAWA)
- 2019-2022: Co-investigator in the project “Art of Lodz against the European art. Excluded/ Included” (Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development, National Centre for Research and Development and EU)
- 2019: Rector’s Award for the series of monographic publications “The youngest Polish literature in translation into Spanish”
- 2019: Rector’s (team) Award for the scientific and implementation project “Accessible art and new technologies”
- 2018-2021: Scientific scholarship for outstanding young scientists (Ministry of Science and Higher Education)
- 2018-2019: Principal Investigator of the project “Oliverio Girondo: a poet of Hispanic American avant-garde” (Bilateral exchange, NAWA)
- 2018: “Idol” (team) Award from the Chance for the Blind Foundation for research on audio description
- 2018: “Łódzkie Eureka” (team) Distinction 2017 in the “science” category for outstanding scientific achievements in supporting development of Łódź as a scientific and academic centre for the project “Development of a scientific methodology of audio description of artworks and its implementation in Łódź museums”
- 2017: Scientific Award of the University of Lodz Foundation (in the field of humanities in the group of young academics of the University of Łódź) for special scientific achievements in 2015-2016
- Rector’s Award for a series of monographic publications “Spanish-language e-literature”
- 2017: LUMEN (Leaders in University Management) (team) Award for the project “Hearing the image. Audio description of artworks in Łódź museums as a factor which creates and shapes relations between scientific research and teaching activities of the University of Łódź and external stakeholders (cultural institutions, non-governmental organisations, local community, business representatives)”
- 2016-2017: Co-investigator in the project “Witold Gombrowicz in contemporary Argentine literature (since 1970)” (Sonata, National Science Centre)
- 2014-2015: Principal Investigator of the project “Dialogues, representation / transference and replacement of identities and cultural heritage in border areas (Case study Misiones: one space cohabited by three cultural ethnicities)” (Eurica, EU)
- 2013: Internship at the University of Tartu within the project “Humanities and Social Sciences Practitioner. Development of skills at managing scientific research, development work and commercialisation of research results in the area of humanities and social sciences” (European Social Fund under Measure 4.2. Development of skills of the R&D system staff and increasing awareness of the importance of research to economic growth, EU)
phone: 42-665-51-50
Office hours
tuesday: 17:00-18:00 Department of Philology, room 4.41, on prior appointment via e-mail