PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Olga Trendak-Suślik

dr Olga Trendak-Suślik
conducting Practical English classes (discussion practice classes)
conducting research into areas such as, mong other, implementing strategic intervention in the foreign language classroom, language acquisition, developing learner autonomy
Dr Olga Trendak-Suślik - research assistant at the Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics. Her PhD dissertation focused on exploring the role of strategic intervention in form-focused instruction.
Academic manager and English teacher collaborating with leading private language schools in Lodz and England. Her academic interests include LLS, implementing strategic intereventon and developing learner autonomy.
2022. Analiza potrzeb jako element projektowania kursu językowego . Języki Obce w Szkole.
2021. COVID-19 and the implementation of computerized testing among university students. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Text – Sentence – Word. Studies in English Linguistics Vol. IV. Agnieszka Uberman, Magdalena Trinder (eds.): 150-157.
2019. Computer-assisted assessment: Application of computerized testing at the Institute of English Studies at the University of Lodz, Poland. Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature 43 (4): 46-91.
2016‘I want to sound like a native speaker and I’m working hard to achieve my goal’- application of pronunciation learning strategies among English Philology students. Konin Language Studies 2: 151-169.
2015. Exploring the Role of Strategic Intervention in Form-focused Instruction. Springer.
2014. Strategy training and its application in the in the process of foreign language learning.’ Classroom-oriented research: Achievements and challenges. Springer. 69-84.
2013. Types of form-focused instruction – a theoretical outline.’ Young Linguists’ Insights: Taking interdisciplinary approaches to the fore. Wydział Anglistyki UAM. 255-259.
2013. ‘Dobry nauczyciel, czyli kto? Języki Obce w Szkole 3: 59-64.
2013. Implementing SBI in the foreign language classroom - mission (im)possiblr? Perspectives on Foreign Language Learning. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. 233-244.
2013. Trening strategiczny w klasie obcojęzycznej. Psycholingwistyczne Eksploracje Językowe. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. 77-93.
2013. ‘Writing strategies employed by advanced learners of English – a questionnaire study.’ Perspectives on Foreign Language Learning. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. 51-70.
2012. Learning strategies and their place in the information-processing theory. Zeszyty Naukowe: Rozprawy Humanistyczne t. XIII.Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej we Włocławku. 197-206.
2012. Strategic intervention in a foreign language classroom.’ IATEFL ELT Research News 27: 41-46.
2010. Deductive or inductive? A brief analysis of the two types of grammar instruction.’ Young Linguists in Dialogue. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. 60-66.2010. Miejsce dedukcji i indukcji w przyswajaniu formalnych aspektów językowych.’ Zeszyty Naukowe: Rozprawy Humanistyczne t. XII.Wydawnictwo PaństwowejWyższej Szkoły Zawodowej we Włocławku. 243-254.
2008 ‘Inviting aunt agony into your classroom.’ The Teacher 3/57:24-25.
2008. A brief analysis of tongue tips and slips.’ Zeszyty Naukowe: Rozprawy humanistyczne t. VIII. Włocławek: Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej we Włocławku: 119-124.
2007. Oxbridge - where history blends with the present.’ Anglorama 3/38: 12-13.
2007. ‘A visit to Cambridge.’ The Teacher 6-7/50: 51-53.
2022 8th International Online Conference: New Dimensions of Philology - Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture, 6-12.06, Płock: Needs analysis in the foreign language classroom
2022 33rd International Conference on Foreign / Second Language Acquisition,19-21.05, Szczyrk Digital assessment at the tertiary level during the pandemic.
2019 " 31st International Conference on Second/Foreign Language Acquisition". Szczyrk, 16-18.05.2019. Inspecting Data in Digital Assessment of Learner Language.
2019 "5th International Online Conference.New Dimensions of Philology Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture". 10-16.04. Płock. Computerised testing among university students. 5th International Online Conference.
2015 “Classroom-oriented research: Towards effectivelearning and teaching”, Konin, 12-14.10. ‘I want to sound like a native speaker and I’m working hard to achieve my goal’- application of pronunciation learning strategies among English Philology students.
2013 “Classroom-oriented research: Reconciling theory andpractice”, Konin, 14-16.10. Raising strategic awareness as a prerequisite for successful strategy training.
2013 “22nd International IATEFL Annual Conference” 27-29.09. Łódź. Teaching listening in the foreign language classroom: How to go about it?
2013 “Foreign Language Opportunities in Writing”, Łódź 10-11.06. ‘I didn’t even know that there are so many language learning strategies.’ Diaries as a tool for identifying language learning strategies.
2012 “Classroom-oriented research: The benefits of multiple perspectives”, Łódź, 23-24.10. Implementing SBI in the foreign language classroom – mission (im)possible?
“Classroom- oriented research: The benefits of multiple perspectives”, Łódź, 23-24.10.12. Diaries as a tool for identifying language learning strategies.
2011 “Classroom-oriented research: Achievements and challenges”, Kalisz, 13-15.10. Strategic intervention in a foreign language classroom. “International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Foreign Language Writing”, Łódź, 13-14.06.Writing strategies employed by advanced language learners – a questionnaire study.
2010 Young Linguists’ Meeting „Język bezGranic”, Warsaw, 18.11. 2010. Strategy training – a critical approach.
2010 Young Linguists’ Meeting „Język bezGranic”, Warsaw, 18.11. 2010. CLIL as a method of teaching English in primary schools.
2010 “New Challenges in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning”, Piotrków Trybunalski, 23-23.10. Language learning strategies in a foreign language classroom.
2010 „Język-Poznanie-Zachowanie” 26-28.09, Łódź. Strategy training in the foreign language classroom.’
2010 International Conference on “Cognitive Processes in Language” 25-27.05, Łódź. ‘Learning strategies and their place in the information-processing theory.’
2009 “18th International IATEFL Annual Conference” 11-13.09. Poznań,” Learning strategies in a foreign language classroom.
2009 “Young Linguists' Meeting”, 24-25.04. Poznań. Types of form-focused instruction – a theoretical outline.
2008 „Język-Poznanie-Zachowanie” 28-30.09.Łódź. The place of induction and deduction in form-focused instruction.
2008 “17th International IATEFL Annual Conference” 19-21.09. Łódź. Deductive or inductive? Analyzing two types of instruction.
2008 “Cognitive linguistics”, Łódź, 24-26.04.The role of deduction in form-focused instruction.
2008 „Młodzi językoznawcy w dialogu”, Kraków, 7-8.04.Deductive or inductive? A brief analysis of the two types of instruction.